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General Terms and Conditions of Use

1. General Terms and Conditions – Scope of Application

2. Object of the Contract

3. Conclusion of Contract

4. Revocation

5. Term and Termination

6. User’s obligation

7. Service Provider’s liability

8. Applicable law / Place of Jurisdiction

9. Miscellaneous

Further user information


By entering your e-mail address and a sufficiently secure password, you initiate registration by clicking on the “register for free” button.

After registration, you must first confirm your details by entering a validation code sent to your e-mail address.

Alternatively, if you have a Facebook or Google account, you can initiate registration by clicking the “Google” or “Facebook” buttons. You may also be asked to enter your e-mail address if Google or Facebook did not provide it.

When registering, you will also need to provide a player name (nickname) that identifies your account. The nickname must not be your first or last name, e-mail address or URL.

Upon completion of the registration, you submit an offer to conclude a (free) contract of use.


We accept this offer with the activation of your account.

We will provide you with the Paid Services as specified in the game description if you have purchased the corresponding activation via third parties. The terms and conditions of the respective third-party provider apply exclusively to the purchase of the activation. Please inform yourself about the order process on the pages of the third-party provider. It is not possible to purchase these activation codes via our Services.

Storage of the contract text

We save your contract data and send them to you after receipt of your registration by e-mail in text form.

Input Errors

During the registration process and before sending the data you have entered you have the opportunity to correct them in the input form.

After activation of your account you can update your data at any time.

Contract Language

Contracts with us are concluded in German or English.

Codes of Conduct

We are only subject to applicable laws. No codes of conduct apply.

Alternative dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 (1) ODR-VO and § 36 VSBG:

The EU Commission has provided a platform for online dispute resolution. This platform is available at the following link:

The Service Provider is not obligated to and nor does it intend to participate in this or any other process for Online Dispute Resolution.

This document was last updated on November 07, 2020